MAD Magazine

Hi all,
I'm looking for the MAD Magazine that features 23 Man Squamish. According to Google this was supposed to be Issue #95, June 1965.

If anybody has this issue and can verify that 23 Man Squamish is actually featured, please let me know.


PS, Mark, disregard the ticket, I figured out my password!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi Luree. I found a listing for #95 on a site that shall remain nameless, that included a photo of the contents page. It does indeed have a a story called. "There's a Soccer Born Every Minute Department," about 43-Man Squamish.
    Far be it from me to link to a competing website, but you can do an advanced search for item number 371653087470.


  • Awesome. There is a #95 listed here. I'll contact them and see if this is the same one I'm looking for. I'd rather keep the sale in the family!

    Rich and I love to chat about what was 23 but turned into 43 man Squamish. It's the funniest series. I hurt my hand once upon a time and told everybody I was playing Squamish. Nobody knew what I was referring to! Too fun.

    Thanks Ted. I'll be check that item number out.
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