Publisher List - how to expand it with minimum effort to help small publishers & sellers


I think the "Publisher List" area needs work, however to add publisher by publisher would be an endless job. My suggestion would be to add a feature where the seller (or publisher) can fill in the name of the publishing house that fits their listing, rather than HipComic trying to list everybody. This same problem of not being able to fill in a smaller and lesser known publisher is shared by all small independent comic publishers and the sellers that support us. A spot to allow a new publisher to be added would be very helpful to all. There are many small publishers like One Shot Press working hard to put out quality comics. We could use a bit of help to build our business up. Without exposure we are being buried under a sea of DC and Marvel titles. This simple feature added will give all publishers an even chance, and will make it easier for the sellers supporting small press to also market our work.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I was just about to post this issue. I just tried and could not enter "Gladstone" as a publisher, yet they were the ones publishing all Disney comics in the 1990's period. I just posted a #2 Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho, but could not enter "Insight Studios Group" as publisher.

    On, if an item like this is not in the pulldown list provided, the site allows you to override, and the interface will accept the value you entered. This should be the case here on HipComic, too.
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